The trials of being a stay at home mom and crafting

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's been a while

Well lets see... Halloween came and gone. I got some stuff knitted for Christmas. In December I got engrossed in the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon. Awesome series. I just finished the last book Thursday night. I am alittle depressed that I don't have Jamie and Claire to read about now. I'll have to wait about 1-2 years before the next book. It took me 5 months to read 7 books with about 1400 pages per book. Very good!!!

Back in March our computer quit. Couldn't even turn it on. We decided to buy an Apple. Love it! Hubby did fix the other computer. The power supply went out in it. Now we have 2 computers and there's no more fighting over who gets it first.

School is almost over and I can't wait. The end of the school year is like pulling teeth. I am so done with the whole going to pick the kids up and doing homework. I know the boys are ready. We are all just getting burnt out.

In 11 days is my 15 year anniversary. My hubby and I have been together since high school and we got married when I was 20 and he was 22. It doesn't seem like we've known each other for 20 years. It's amazing how time flies. I actually think that I love him more now then I did when we got married. Is that possible? He's an awesome father and husband. He's a great provider and doesn't complain about anything. He's a terrific man. Words can't describe the feelings I have for him.

Last month hubby's mom moved to Arkansas. We may go to visit them this summer. We will have to wait and see. The boys didn't do baseball this year. They both decided they didn't want to. So I can see the summer being filled with a ton of boys at my house. The only downfall to this summer is Brock's birthday is Father's Day this year. I wanted him to have a sleep over so it may have to be the Friday before.

That's about it for now. Knitting wise I am working on 2 baby blankets. They are both having boys so I have a lot of blue things coming. Actually one blanket is white because I didn't know what Bailey was having at the time I started it. The second one if for a friend of mine sister in law. They like the Chicago Bears, so Layne decided she wanted Bears colors. The blanket is looking good. Shawls have been put on hold til I get these 2 done.

Until next time...

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