The trials of being a stay at home mom and crafting

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some Pics

I've been meaning to post about the boys first day of school but have been so busy I haven't had time. C is in 3rd grade and B is in all day Kindergarten. I love them dearly but am so glad for the quiet time during the day.

These are some current projects that I've been working on. C wanted a skull scarf so I decided on making this. He likes it alot. So next will be a hat and mitts.
This is for me! Finally I've decided to be alittle selfish and make me a scarf. I love the pattern and it is so easy to remember.
For Christmas I'm making one of my nieces mitts. They are called paper doll mitts. I love them and hope they fit her.
Last is a fish blanket I hope to have done before Christmas. I am making this for someone but won't say. I haven't decided on the design on the fish yet. It depends on how much yarn I have.
So, I've been busy and things are starting to calm down. I did quit working the 1-2 days a week. C is keeping me busy running after school. He decided to join chess and cub scouts are starting this week. I feel like I have more time for knitting and keeping the house up. Life is getting so much better!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Things Going On

It's been hectic here in the Brody household. The boys started school August 21st. I went back to work 1-2 days a week. Since the boys have been in school, I haven't home for part of the day. The house is chaotic and is driving me nuts. My mom just came for a visit Sunday and went home Tuesday. I love when she comes up because the boys love Grandma. They behave so much better when she is here.

We have 2 new additions to our family. Frogs. The story behind them is my oldest wanted a frog every since he went to day camp for Cub Scouts. They had a nature day and found a couple of frogs. Well one day I was in the garden and found him one. He was so excited. The next day it died. I called every pet store and found one open on a Sunday. We went and purchased the two. My little guy had to have one too. So one is named Boba Fet and the other is named Luke Skyfrog. They are definitely Star Wars nuts!

Well, I must go and get them ready for school now. Hopefully I will have some finished objects to show next time. I haven't really had the time to knit.