The trials of being a stay at home mom and crafting

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Some quick little baby knits

My friend Emilee is expecting a baby boy any day so I wanted to make him a little something. I did make him the star blanket for the shower but he needs a hat and some scratch mitts.

The hat is from a pattern called Bananaheads Baby Beanie. I found it on Ravelry. Very easy to make. I love the little i-cord bow on top.

The scratch mitts are a pattern called Super Quick Baby Mitts. I found also on Ravelry. Made them in about 1 day. The pattern called for ribbon or cord so you can tie them. I made i-cord so they match the hat.

Love them both.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

So Many Things

There is so much going on right now for the next couple of months, that I thought I would start a ton on projects to go along with my hectic life.

Up first is the Reversible Celtic Baby Blanket. I am hoping to have done before August. My brother and his wife are having a baby then and I thought this was so pretty. It has grown since this picture but is very time consuming and a little on the boring side. It is double knitted so it is reversible. I really like the design of it.

Up next is the Burridge Afghan. This is the second time making this afghan. The first one I made a few mistakes in the cabling and couldn't live with it so frogged and started over. I hope to have this done before Christmas so I can give it to my mother in law. She has been waiting patiently for an afghan to go in the front room of her house. I don't know how much use it will bring since the front room is really never used except for holidays.

The third is a graphic granny hexagon afghan that is crocheted. I started this just the other night and I love all the colors. I don't really have a recipient for this one, so maybe keep this for myself. It is going to be my go to project when I am bored with all the others.

And lastly is the Sampler Afghan. It is a bunch of cable patterns that you sew into an afghan. This is going to my mom for Christmas. So far so good. I love all the cabling and it should be warm for the cold winter nights and days. I hope she likes it.

So these are the things that I am working on during my hectic life. With so many projects and not a lot of time I just pick and choose what I want to work on now. The only one with a deadline is the baby blanket.
School for the boys will be ending in the next month and a half. My youngest graduates preschool at the end of May and my second grader get out June 6. It is very late this year due to the school going on strike and snow days. We also have Cub Scouts winding down (thank goodness). I am the den leader and having 6 rumbustious boys running around is nerve racking. Now we are into baseball season and practice has been cancelled twice due to the weather. So I have at least 2 portable projects for that.
That is it for now. I have to get my little one ready for a birthday party. He's playing miniature golf and the mom just told me the other day that it is in the dark. I don't know about all the other kids that are going to be there but mine is afraid of the dark. I hope he handles it okay.