The trials of being a stay at home mom and crafting

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hint One of SOTSii

As alot of you know the SOTSii started last Friday. I am a little late posting the finished clue 1. I just started clue 2 last night and am at row 81. I love the pattern so far and it is very easy.

Hopefully I haven't jinxed myself by saying that. I have joined I about 6 mystery knit alongs this year and am getting behind. I haven't even wound yarn for the Dem Ficsher sin Fru that also started yesterday. I am going as fast as I can. Between the kids, errands and general house cleaning it is hard to find time to knit like I would like.
So I must go finish the second clue or I will be way behind everyone else.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Spring Shawl Suprice

Well I didn't post a photo of clue 2, so I figured I would post a photo of the finished clue 3.

This time I used stitch markers to make it easier to know how many stitches were in each section. I didn't put any lifelines in because the last lifeline of row 25 I seemed to have lost a stitch. I think I didn't pick one up. The markers work a lot better for me.

Some other news is that my son had his district pinewood derby this past Saturday and took first place. We are very proud of him.

His car is the one in the lead. He was a happy camper that day. We love him!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Victorian Lace Today KAL

I joined the Victorian Lace Today KAL and have done about 15 repeats of the Myrtle Leaf Shawl. The lace is a pretty color but I don't know about the different colors.

Considering that I am working from my stash I don't have much to choose from.

Also have finished the second clue in the Spring Shawl Suprise. Don't have any photos of that yet, but will post soon. Can't wait for the next clue.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Spring Shawl Suprice

I just finished the first clue to the Spring Shawl Suprice. I am enjoying the pattern so far. I've never been involved in a mystery shawl before. I am really liking this. Can't wait intil clue 2 comes out.

Excuse the pictures. We just got a new Canon Rebel XT and still trying to figure out all the gadgets.

Now I'm off to work on an afghan for my mother in law for Christmas 2008. I started on it before the shawl and now will work on it intil clue 2 is out.

Take care and have a happy New Year.