The trials of being a stay at home mom and crafting

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Program

The boys had their annual Christmas Program at school last night. Cody dreaded being Santa and didn't want to do it 2 weeks before the program. The music teacher told him she couldn't find someone else. So I told him to suck it up and just do it.

He did a terrific job even though he sounded nervous. Brock told me that he wasn't scared at all and he had fun. He's only in kindergarten and had one song to sing. He really didn't look like he was singing but oh well.

The knitting front has been going slow. I had jury duty Monday and drove in the middle of a snow storm. I got there on time and about 3 hours later the judge called to say the person plead so the jury wasn't needed. I was glad because it was a criminal case and we could have been there 4-5 days. I wasn't sure if they allowed knitting needles in the courthouse so I didn't take anything to work on. But I did see an older lady working on a shawl while there. If I would have known that it was okay to bring I would have. Maybe next time.

Well the boys will be rolling in in about an hour and a half so I should get things done.

Intil next time!