The trials of being a stay at home mom and crafting

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Pumpkin Farm

We went to the pumpkin farm with the cub scouts yesterday and enjoyed a hayride and pumpkin picking. The boys really enjoyed it.

We had apple cider and popcorn. The farm boards horses and should the cub scouts a video about living on a farm. We even got to learn about Indians (they have a teepee). It all was very interesting.
The boys had to have their picture taken with this robot. Don't really think it's a robot but that is what they thought he was. All in all it was a good day.

On the knitting front, I am trying to finish C's hat this week. I am more than halfway done with it. It will match his scarf. Then on to mittens. B's spider mitt is still just one. But hopefully I will start that as soon as the hat is done. Next weeks temperature is only going to be in the 40's so that means hat and mitts.

Monday, October 13, 2008

We Have Spidey!

My little guy wanted a Spiderman Hat and I made him this. I used Knit Picks Palette. It's a little big but I may try shrinking it per directions. I actually learned how to do a provisional cast on, which made the lining so much easier.

His brother had to give him bunny ears. Just typical things going on in this house.

The top I oopses but I don't think anyone will care. He loves it and I love it. I am making him mittens to match. I have one done and need to cast on for the other.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Big Guys 9th Birthday

C turned 9 on Oct. 3rd. I wanted to have his party the next day, but one of his friends beat me to it. So yesterday we had his birthday party. He got all excited to open Star Wars Lego's. That is what we heard all the kids talking about yesterday.
The little guy is in the red shirt. He was just as excited as his brother.

I just realized that the candle is backwards. No one noticed. I made the cake and washed a couple of his Star Wars figures and stuck them on the cake. The 8 boys there kept asking if they could take the figures home and I kept saying no they are C's.

And this is C. So cute! Looks so much like his Daddy. See the gameboy in the background. One of C's friends brought his gameboy so my little guy had to get his out. They were taking turns playing.
Happy Birthday Big guy. I just wish you wouldn't grow up so fast. I love you!