The trials of being a stay at home mom and crafting

Monday, July 28, 2008

Some Sweet Treats

I am working hard on Christmas gifts. One of my 3 year old niece's wants play food for Christmas. I decided that I am going to try really hard to make her the food. Up first is the Petit Four. I did the magic loop instead of dpn's. It took very little yarn and I think it turned out really good.
I also made her a jelly donut. Also completely knit in the round and I used magic loop again. Each one took about 3 hours. I am a very slow knitter so it could take you shorter time to make. I hope to make more donuts and maybe 1 or 2 more petit fours. I am really chugging away on my Ravelry queue. I hope to have alot of things done before the holidays.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Some Christmas Knitting

I finally got my One Skein book from Knit Picks yesterday and casted on for the Petal Bib. I love it!! I hope to make a couple of more in different colors. It was so quick and easy but there are a lot of ends to weave in.
The next bib is the Modern Cable Baby Bib. Very quick and only took 1 day to make. Only 2 ends to weave in and needs a cute little button.
I decided since this baby is going to be the next little princess in the family she needed a princess button. Got a package of them at Wal-Mart and I love them.

I am going to cast on for Starsky Jr. for the older sister today. Hopefully I can have it done for Christmas. I am jugging along on Christmas gifts. I hope to be able to finish every single one before.
Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Garter Ridge Cardigan

I finished one of the Christmas presents for my soon to be niece. I believe my mom said that she should be here at the end of this month. The sweater turned out okay. I'm not to happy with it. It does still need a bath. The pattern can be found on Ravelry.

The buttons I picked up at Jo-Ann Fabrics last summer. I paid $.50 for them and just love them. I had been waiting to find something to put them on.

I have started another Christmas present and hopefully will be done with it in the next few days.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Christmas in July

I have no pictures to show but really wanted to make a list of things that I need to make for Christmas. I have so much yarn stashed that I really want to make things with.

I need to finish the Burridge Afghan, Tree of Life Afghan and The Sampler Afghan. Those could be presents for the parents.

I am working on a baby sweater now for my niece (due in August) and I think I need a hat and maybe some socks or bibs.

Then I have my nieces who are all going to be 3. There are 3 of them and I was thinking sweaters, hats, mittens and maybe something else.

I have 2 nephews that I may make sweaters, hats and mittens and maybe something else.

My 2 boys. I have decided on making them each hats and scarves. They also need gloves.

Besides all of that I just found out last week that my brother and sister in law are due to have a baby in January or February. So I have a baby blanket to make and other things. They wanted to be surprised with the other two so they are going to wait until the baby is born to find out the gender. That puts auntie in a tight spot. I told Colleen this and she laughed. I could always make neutral things but it is also exciting to make things gender appropriate.

I don't know how the list will go. School starts next month and I will be by myself all day. So we will see how much knitting I get done. I would really like to finish alot of it up.

The best thing is that Colleen's daughter Delaney (almost 3) calls me the aunt that makes her pretty things. It makes me feel so good to hear her say that.

Maybe the next post will be filled with some new knitting. Intil next time happy knitting.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Some Finished Objects

I finally finished the Pinwheel baby blanket for my cousin Liz who is due to have a baby in September. They tried finding out what the baby was but he/she wasn't cooperative. So intil she has the baby I can't make to much for her.

The edging was from Barbara Walker's Second Book of Knitting Treasures. It's called the tulip bud edging. I do need to block it out but was just happy to have finished it.

I know I posted on this before but just wanted to show the finish. I did finally find the perfect buttons for it at Joann's. I think they match the dress beautifully. I hope my new niece (in August) will be able to wear it.
On the home front, things are going good. Baseball ended last Saturday and I am so glad it is over. To much driving with the gas prices. My car can finally get a break. I also have been suffering from a tooth ache which the dentist thinks is from my sinus' being infected. So I am on antibiotics. Hopefully it won't flare up because they can't get me in to have the filling replaced intil October. Advil has been my friend and I am really tired of taking it.

I hope everyone is having a Happy 4th of July. We are just cooking on the grill and hanging out at home.